Labor Day: 5 Best Practices to Boost Workplace Productivity

Labor Day: 5 Best Practices to Boost Workplace Productivity

On May 1st in Colombia, we not only celebrate workers at ITBX but also strive to improve their working conditions every day through effective communication strategies.

Here are five guidelines that a company should follow to show it cares about its employees. Read more below:

Can You Imagine Working 12 Hours a Day, Seven Days a Week, Without a Way to Demand Better Conditions? Imagine if your only means of livelihood required you to attend factories and mines every day under horrible safety and hygiene conditions.

In 1868, workers in Chicago, USA, were pioneers in demanding decent working hours and conditions. However, their protests ended in a harsh and violent repression that the world will forever remember as the Haymarket Massacre. 

The press of that time labeled the movement as ‘disrespectful,’ ‘unpatriotic,’ and ‘outrageous.’ It took many years before there was a tribute to the martyrs of that event, and the commemoration of Labor Day was established to highlight the importance of workers' rights worldwide and the cries of these workers. 

Today, we live in a more regulated society regarding employees' duties and rights. We believe that a company's success is based on recognizing the individuality and personal development of each member. The law generally supports eight-hour workdays and healthy conditions, but phenomena like the pandemic and increasing digitization have posed new challenges for work-life quality. 

De acuerdo con According to Peter Drucker, considered the greatest management philosopher of the 20th century, 60% of business problems stem from poor communication. Moreover, statistics show that lack of communication and collaboration within workplaces is a leading cause of business failure. Creating a positive work environment involves open and transparent communication between leaders and employees that fosters trust and security within the team. Ultimately, this translates into productivity. 

What Does Open and Transparent Communication Mean? Here are five good communication practices to elevate your company to a new level. 


  1. Identify Communication Issues
    A healthy corporate dialogue doesn’t mean a lack of problems or obstacles. In fact, identifying and discovering them in each work environment is an indicator of proper team practice.

    At ITBX, we believe that you cannot improve what you cannot measure. Thus, as we find these issues, we can work on resolving them to enhance our internal dialogues. This discovery should be a consensual and horizontal process, gathering perspectives from all employees, regardless of rank, up to executives. The key is to find a bridge that connects visions through feedback channels that show how employees and employers experience their work life and shortcomings.
    It's crucial to have a safe space for constructive criticism that promotes learning and improvement.

  2. Monitor Resolution Processes
    Once dialogue spaces have taken place, it’s essential that the company has objective personnel to follow up on these processes. Otherwise, employees might feel that their requests and issues are undervalued or that their time was wasted, which reflects in their daily performance.

  3. Develop Internal Corporate Identity
    To foster commitment to the organization, it is key to promote the values and thoughts that connect the brand with its employees. This helps to align the team with the company's goals and ideals, aligning their personal intentions with the collective interests of the organization. This approach aids in creating strategies that lead all collaborators' work toward the goals established by the company’s organizational culture.

  4. Clarity of the Company’s Communication Strategy
    This item could be fundamental for any goal or practice within your company. Work quality cannot be improved if those involved are unaware of the processes or strategies for developing or participating in them. Teams need to be aware of their functions, scopes, and roles within the company’s structure. This ensures better functioning in the strategies set by management and creates a sense of belonging and empathy within the team.

  5. Internal Best Practices Reflect in Optimal External Communication
    If there is no internal consensus or integrity regarding communication strategies and visions, this will be evident to your future clients. If your plan cannot be communicated to your internal team, it may also be misunderstood by potential consumers. Conversely, if employees find alignment and identification with the company’s organizational culture and values, consumer strategies will be easier to implement. 

Do you know of other corporate best practices? 📝

Happy Labor Day!

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