
ITBX is the omnichannel solution designed to create exceptional service experiences for your customers

100% Software, 100% Cloud, 100% VoIP, Chat, and SMS. Synced and integrated communications—simple, easy, and effective. With the best professional support to make it a reality for your business

Sync and Orchestrate Your Channels

An omnichannel solution is not just a multichannel support technology but your company’s commitment to understanding what your customers need, adding empathy, capability, and training for your team to serve them across any available channel. Serve your customers on the channels where they feel most comfortable, according to their interests and needs.

Design Memorable Service Experiences

Every touchpoint in the customer journey, should be designed to offer what they are looking for through the channel they use. Always have online access to the necessary data about their relationship and history with your company. Additionally, a genuine concern from your team to serve them well forms the basis of a true omnichannel strategy. Making the customer the center of your business, results in loyal customers who are fans and promoters of your brand, also known as “Customer Engagement“.

Effective, Agile, and Easy-to-Use Technology

ITBX brings omnichannel service to life in your company. Our platform is 100% Software, 100% Cloud, 100% Secure Web, with end-to-end encryption, 99.9% availability, and full support and consulting. Your team can easily connect from any internet connection, managing all voice channels (IP/VoIP), Chat (WhatsApp, Social Media, etc.), SMS, and API integrations with your CRM/ERP data. Serve customers both locally and globally. with a fully flexible, scalable system, paying only for what you use and for the time you need.

Automate Processes with AI Bots and Integrate Data via API

There are moments in the customer journey that can be easily automated, such as quick responses to frequently asked questions, scheduling, document delivery, catalog management, and more. An integrated system with data sources via API can provide a great service experience, with instant information and 24/7 availability. This is made possible by our virtual assistants, also known as ITBXbot, for voice and chat channels. While the best experiences are created by humans, artificial intelligence can support in creating them.

Control and Measure Customer Experience

Designing and implementing a service experience, relies on metrics such as volume, traffic, response time, request types, and contact trends. Everything that happens during customer contact across any available channel should be measured and controlled by a unified technological platform based on defined KPIs. Otherwise, all customer-centric efforts will be in vain. “What is not measured cannot be improved.” With ITBX, you transform the data from every contact into business intelligence, providing real-time information for timely decision-making.

Omnichannel Solution
How to Create a Good Omnichannel Strategy?
Every channel is an opportunity to excel in service or to face complaints

Providing excellent service is not easy, it becomes increasingly complex with demanding and tech-savvy customers. That's why ITBX has developed reliable, agile, and effective technology through an easy and straightforward implementation process.

Built on 15 years of experience, successfully connecting major companies with their customers across all market sectors and sizes, our greatest value is found by businesses that want and need to deliver excellent service and create a great customer experience.

The future is now, and your company needs ITBX as a partner to transform your customer experience into the cornerstone of your business. Your company needs it, and your customers require it. They might not wait for you to make the decision!

Repetitive Tasks Are Better Handled by Machines

Customers need to fulfill a need or receive a solution immediately, consulting information as often as required. If this information is in high demand, it can be provided easily and without human intervention. This is highly valued, generates happy faces, and even likes!

Anytime, Anywhere

Friends are known in the toughest times, when no one else can assist and they need help the most. Your company's availability genuinely reflects your commitment to serving well. Your support channels should be available 24/7, handled by well-trained humans and/or well-trained virtual assistants.

Call the Customer by Their Name, Not Just a Number

Don’t ask questions you already know the answers to; instead, bring the information to the moment of contact and show them they are not just another number, but an important person to your company. Addressing them by name and showing empathy creates a great experience.

Choosing Is a Human Privilege

Your customers come in various ages, behaviors, interests, and preferences. Allow them to choose how they want to initiate contact with your company. Smooth their experience and capture all trends and patterns by customer type. If you don’t, you might close the door before they’ve even had a chance to engage.

Don’t Make Life Difficult for Your Customers or Yourself

If you conduct a detailed analysis and design the service beforehand, you'll know what your customer needs or expects at each touchpoint. Just deliver it. Often, less is more.

Some of Our Clients: Leaders in Service with ITBX
We Know How to Make It a Reality for Your Business
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