Intelligent Transfer

Intelligent Transfer: Boost Your Business Communication

Your customers expect quick, efficient, and personalized responses. Intelligent call transfer and handling allows you to deliver an exceptional customer experience while optimizing your call management

With our intelligent transfer and handling tool, you can design overflow strategies to ensure no call goes unanswered

You can configure rules to automatically transfer calls to another agent, department, or even an external number

For example, based on business hours or call volume, when there are too many calls in the queue for a single agent

Use the "Follow Me" system to have calls follow you wherever you go, even if you don’t have internet on your mobile device

Implement smart queues to distribute calls evenly among agents, according to their availability or skill set

Our tool includes a range of features that help improve your communication with customers, such as:

Intelligent Call Routing

Calls are directed to the most appropriate agent or department to handle them

Virtual Queues

Customers wait in a virtual queue until an agent becomes available to handle their request

Call Recording

Record calls for later analysis and monitoring. Available for up to 6 months of recordings

Reports and Analytics

Gain valuable insights into customer behavior and the efficiency of your customer service

What Benefits Can You Gain with This Tool?

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Customers experience shorter wait times, more personalized attention, and faster resolution of their issues

Increase Productivity

Agents can spend more time assisting customers and less time on repetitive tasks

Reduce Costs

Decrease the number of missed calls and optimize human resource management

Find This Service Included in Our Intelligent Telephony Plans
Some of Our Clients: Leaders in Service with ITBX
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